
A Million Beginnings, A K-Pop Romance Story

Created by InVision Publishing

Order your Deluxe Limited Edition of "A Million Beginnings - The Millions Series Pt. 1"

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Annoucement: Delay due to Trademarking Procedure
almost 2 years ago – Wed, May 18, 2022 at 06:07:47 PM

Dear Backers,


We are sending you this short update to inform you about a slight unfortunate delay that has occurred, and that would make us fall behind our proposed timeline.

In fact, months ago, we started the application to trademark the logo of Millions. As you may know, these procedures take some time, and one step of the application process is to wait and see if any trademarked brands oppose our claim to trademark our logo the way we wanted.

Unfortunately, that's what happened. Our trademark application received an objection from another company, so we are now trying to work this out with them. This process involves lawyers, long discussions, etc... all to hopefully either have them retract their objection as we reach an agreement or for us to adapt our logo and trademark application to their requirements.

And as long as this issue is not resolved, we cannot print our books and our merch, in case we would need to modify our logo.

We are really sorry that we cannot keep up with our proposed timeline of sending your rewards and packages on time (June 2022). We are trying to make this process as smooth and fast as possible. Hopefully, this will be resolved very soon!

Thank you for your understanding and your patience.

We hope to come back with better news very soon!

Yours sincerely,

Your InVision Team: Anja, Sabrina & Sahar 

Backekit Surveys Are OUT! Don't Forget To Fill Them!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 10:18:30 AM

Hey guys,

It's been a while! We hope you're doing good ^^. 

Today, we finally come back to you with the Backerkit Surveys.  We would like to apologize for the delay in sending them, but we faced a couple of issues with the Backerkit platform as well as with connecting our payment method.

You must have already received an email from Backerkit to inform you about this, but we thought we'd also send in an update on Kickstarter in case you missed the first notification.

Basically, all you need to do is follow a couple of easy steps where you get the chance to edit your order, add products if you want to, input your address and pay the shipment fees.

Easy, right?

Hope to get your filled surveys back soon~


Your InVision Team

Funded & Closed! What's Next?
over 2 years ago – Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 11:20:04 AM

Dear Backer!

WE DID IT!!! 54 of you have believed in our project, allowing us to gather 5775€ and reach 115% of our funding goal!

This is amazing! The past 30 days of this campaign still feel like a dream, and we are so so so grateful to each one of you! We cannot thank you enough for this! 

Now that the campaign is funded and closed, what's going to happen next?

1- First, Kickstarter will collect the pledged funds from the backers, so make sure to confirm your payment method if requested by Kickstarter. 

2- Once all the funds are collected, Kickstarter will forward them to us. This would take about 14 days. As we are using BackerKit as a pledge manager, you will get an email from them by mid-end of February with a survey where you can confirm your order (and add products if you want to). You will also confirm your address and have the correct shipping fees added to your pledge. Please notice that if this survey is not completed, we do not get your address and we won't be able to ship your products to you!

3- On the InVision side, once we get the funds, we will launch the printing of the book and the merchandise with the corresponding printers. Then we would get the products,  arrange them according to your pledged orders and send them. Those of you who pledged for an Ebook will get it by March 2022. Those who pledged printed rewards would get them by June-July 2022, hopefully (if there are no delays in printing and shipment). 

Of course, we will inform you of every progress so you are up to date with what is happening behind the scenes of the production of "A Million Beginnings".

Until the next update, if you know someone who would like to have a copy of "A Million Beginnings" but has missed this campaign, you can direct them to our new pre-order shop on Backerkit. Pre-orders through this shop will be open until the end of April 2022

Gratefully Yours,

Your InVision Team Anja, Sabrina & Sahar

No It's NOT 100% Funded... It's 102% Funded!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 12:23:28 AM

Guys... When we sent you the update of 85% yesterday, we didn't expect the 100% (or even 102%) to happen the day after! Otherwise, we would have made them one email :D!


We made it!!! The 5000€ needed for the book and merch printing is reached and each one of you will get the reward that you pledged for! This is super exciting for us, and we hope you are also excited to get your copy of "A Million Beginnings"!

We have 10 days left in our campaign, so let's keep up the good work until we reach our first stretch goal! The slipcase would be such an amazing addition to the book and the merchandise and would work perfectly well to give the extra K-Pop fell to the book. Also, this is a book series, so think "Collection"! Just saying ;)... 

We've said it many times before, we will say it again: We are VERY grateful, and always will be!

To celebrate this amazing event, InVision Team plans to have an IG Live tomorrow (12 Jan. 2021) at Noon (Time Zone: GMT+1) on @invisionpub, so if you have time to spare, drop by our account and join our live session! Have a tea or a drink in hand, and come chill with us while we celebrate this amazing moment!

It's all THANKS to you!!!!!

Eternally grateful (yes, again),

Your InVision Team

PS: Someone can now tell Hermione that the book is not NEARLY funded anymore.

100% Funding Has Never Been So Close!!!!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 12:19:08 AM

"NEARLY Funded??? How can we be NEARLY funded?" (If you got this reference, big hug from us ;))

Look at this, guys! Day 19 and we are at 85%! Can we actually go crazy and hope for one of the stretch goals to be reached?

We are so very grateful, you have no idea! And we can't wait to share the update of the "Fully Funded" with you very soon! This, Hermione can probably understand better :D!

On another note, as work at the InVision Headquarters never stops, we are preparing some content for our Youtube Channel (to which you can subscribe right now), starting with some introduction videos about us, the company and the project coming soon, as well as more super cool content planned for the future.

Until then, you can find a snippet of the first planned Youtube video down below. 


And don't forget, share with your friends and relatives who might enjoy the company of Millions and Seohee!

Lots of Love, 

Your InVision Team